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Visitors from over 128 countries. 

Averaging 300 - 350 unique views per day.

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Photo: Mas Kentungs © 15 November 2021


938 (586) Fuerza Aerea de Chile - Unknown photographer © September 1997 - Aird Archives
F-BOOH (72) at EBAW - Antwerp / Duerne, Belgium - Walter Van Brompt © 27 February 2024 - Aird Archives
TG-JCE 1080
TG-JCE (422) of ARM Aviación, at La Aurora, Guatemala - Walter Van Brompt © 27 February 2024 - Aird Archives
CF-QBV (103) of ROYALAIR at CYYZ - Toronto, Ontario - Sheldon D. Benner July 1969 - Michael J. Ody Collection - Aird Archives
9H-PALMA (557) at LFML - Marseille, France - Marco Finelli © 30 March 2024 - John Mounce Collection - Aird Archives
C-FWAH (240) at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Dale Tiedeman © 29 March 2024 - Aird Archives
13803 (305) of RCAF on exercise in British Columbia - Caleb Smith / Vector Aeromedia © Date unknown - Aird Archives
D-IASL (658) at LSGG - Geneva, Switzerland - Propfreak © April 1984 - Aird Archives
N905RT (297) at F70 - Murietta, California - Kenneth I. Swartz © 01 March 2024 - Aird Archives

Check out Danielle's Camino Book here:

You can even read a few free excerpts!

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Always a "work in progress" - using as a starting point, the extensive research and photo collections of Michael J. Ody.

Thanks Mike - RIP!

Note: JULY 2024 156 months into this venture, yes, that's over twelve years!

Visitors from at least 128 countries.

Twin Otter Archive © January 2012 - July 2024

Webmaster: Neil C. Aird

• Over 5,300 images added so far •

Compilation, additional detailed research and photographs - by our illustrious team members, past and present:

Maintained and funded by Neil C. Aird.

FYI: Neil developed, designed and created the concept for this original website and the format used.

Helped over the years by Ian Macintosh.

I quote from the extensive earlier research by Michael J. Ody


Not forgetting the respected, and current DHC-6 update expert, Erik Johannesson - who laboriously transcribed Mike's extensive original notes, which he collected from here in Kingston, plus my archive of Air-Britain News journals.

Note: Erik holds, for us all, intact, in safe keeping meantime, the huge DHC-6 slide collection and written archives of the late Mike Ody. They fortuntely survived a fire in his building at one point!!

Special thanks to our many generous photographers and collectors, including: 

Ken Swartz, Tim Martin, John Kimberley, Gary Vincent, Peter Wollenberg, Mark Gardner, John Mounce, John Rodger,

Chris Buckley, Jay Sherlock, Ron Kosys and Anton Heumann.

Suplemental archival research from Erich Kunz, Ian M. Macdonald, Terry Judge and Sheldon D. Benner (RIP).

Since you are looking here . . . . . I have a big favour to ask . . . . . .

. . . . please click on the button below if you can help with a small donation - thank you!

Some twentyone supporters "The Few" have helped out the cause since I began this website over twelve years ago!

I thank them most sincerely for all their donations.

I know there are a lot of things vying for your money and I don't take your support for granted.

Ken S (ON) twice, Mark A ((WA), Kjell G (NO) three times! Ken T (ON) three times! Donald B (AB) twice, Herb W (CH) twice.

Arnold V (SK), Stephan B (D), Lars F (NO), Keith F (ON), Glenn T (TX), Andy F (AK), Roger Z (CT), Jonathan F (TX), André M (NL),

DHC-6-400's msn 851 and msn 852 almost ready. Photo: Matt Salkeld © 2011 - Aird Archives
C-GVOT (909) under assembly at Viking's Calgary - CYYC, Alberta facilities - Photo: Ralph M. Pettersen © 12 September 2014 - Aird Archives

Courtesy Industry Links page.

Please support these industrious people who help keep the "Twotter" flying.

New ! Explanation - How to navigate an individual Aircraft Data History Page - Sample
Biography of Michael J. Ody - by George Trussell
About the authors - Your main crew - This is very much a two man show!
Credits - Photographic work and information - credits with each image.
Abbreviations page - Provinces and States
How you can help? - Where we have no images yet - do you have one to submit?
How to get in touch with us - TOA "at"


twotter "at"

This website is not affiliated in any way with Viking Aircraft Limited, although we are huge supporters of that fine company. The content has been prepared from Public Information, the private research records of the late Michael J. Ody, and generous contributions from the authors, researchers, enthusiasts, photographers and spotters worldwide. Data from the Internet is also used - errors therefore may be included - so use at your own discretion.

Images freely donated/supplied, alas, cannot be removed.

Images freely submitted in the past to "TwinOtterArchive" might also appear on "TwinOtterWorld" or vice versa.

Photo credits and locations when known. Corrections are always welcome.

TOA "at"

Designed by Neil Aird for the Royal Candian Mint, a $20.00 coin honouring George A. Neal, test pilot of de Havilland Canada.

George passed away at age 97 on 04 April 2016 - Blue Skies sir!

Design and photo: Neil Aird © 1999

 Sketches for coin certificate: VP-FBC (787) and CF-TVO (334) Neil Aird © 1999
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Ah - Hi - there you are!! I'm here working away - nice to have your company - enjoy the visit!

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Website dedicated to the de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver

For all thing relating to the DHC-3 Otter - we have created
Twin Otter Archive "TOA" © January 2012 - February 2024